Gratitude: Finding Peace and Beauty
Even When Totally Stressed Out

Everything that could go wrong was going wrong. The streets, due to construction, were harder to navigate. I was running late for an appointment. I was thinking about how, just the day before, I found out that one of my favorite hangouts was permanently closed. I’ll have to travel further if I want to use up those gift cards. And I was just plain stressed out.

Were Stressed-Out Monday Mornings My New Normal?

Unfortunately, my hectic Mondays were nothing knew. Rushing to make it on time for an appointment, which included skipping breakfast, and knowing that I forgot something, I reflected on how this had been going on for a while. Maybe my every Monday was now doomed to be this stressful. I had to skip my normal Monday morning writing routine in order to take care of an important matter. Was this the fifth time this year I had to do this? Thankfully, I can’t remember how many times I missed my personal writing appointments. They weren’t too many, and I don’t think about it too much, which is a good thing, because it was one less worrisome thought going through my mind.

And then…

I saw them - dandelions blooming throughout a local park - all beckoning me to come and pay a visit. I had not seen dandelions, outside of pictures, in a long while. The sight of them shed a little smile in my heart, and I took a deep breath to relax myself. I then noticed how sunny it was that day, the soft breeze on my skin, the beauty of springtime.

I couldn’t resist those sunny dandelions and went back a few days later to pick a plant that had gone to fluff, crowned with magical wish fulfilling seeds. I blew. It was something I had not done in a long time. I don’t know where all the seeds went but as I sit here typing up this blog post I like to think they caught a whiff of my heart’s gratitude for their presence and carried it away with them.

The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.
                                                                                                                              ~Robert Holden

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